Mandatory Safety Equipment

Mandatory Safety Equipment 2021-01-01T12:31:26-07:00

PLEASE NOTE:  This page outlines MINIMUM requirements.  Additional safety equipment is NEVER prohibited — in fact, anything that enhances occupant safety is highly encouraged.  This includes nomex fire suits, gloves, shoes, etc.. Roll over protection is permitted in any group. A fire extinguisher is recommended (provided it is securely mounted).


  • Snell-approved M-2010 or newer (motorcycle-rated) helmets are permitted in all run groups. SA-2010 or newer (motorsport-rated) helmets are recommended.
  • Please note that Snell standards are constantly evolving. By 2016, following the introduction of the recently updated Snell 2015 helmet standard, the minimum helmet standard will change to M-2010 or SA-2010 or later.
  • ALL Snell-approved helmets bear a Snell rating sticker, typically found by lifting up the helmet liner (you should not need to remove any glued portions of the liner to view the sticker).
  • Open-face helmets are preferred in vehicles with air bags; closed-face helmets are preferred in vehicles without air bags.
  • DOT-approved helmets are NOT acceptable.  An explanation is found here.

Seat Belts

  • Factory-installed 3-point safety belts are required as a minimum.  The 3-points are the 2 attachments point of the factory lap belt plus the attachment point of the factory shoulder belt installed an all modern vehicles.
  • All belts must be in good condition … no fraying, buckle secure, latching mechanism functional.
  • Optional 4-, 5-, or 6-point racing harnesses are permitted but must be accompanied by structural rollover protection (either a roll bar or roll cage).  For more information, see
  • Racing Seat Belts Also Require The Use of a Head & Neck Restraint. In alignment with other quality lapping organizations, (and in the name of good sense and best safety practices), Track Junkies now requires you to use a head and neck restraint if you choose to operate your car on the track while strapped in with fixed multi-point racing seat belts.
    Head restraints are not required if you are using the retractable 3 point seat belts that your street car would have been equipped with when it left the factory.
    The fixed racing type belts are meant to be utilized within the part of a SYSTEM that includes securing the movement of the head when the body or torso is rigidly restrained with belts that are not allowed to spool out a little before locking up.

    Think about it: with racing belts, your body is now “affixed ” to the chassis of the car with no movement allowed (excepting the ‘stretch’ that is built into the webbing). In the event of even a minimal impact or stoppage, your body will move very little forward but your head (which is also now much heavier with the addition of a helmet)  will be rapidly thrust forward without the tethers of a head and neck restraint to hold it back as well. This will result in a dangerous situation where your head could be broken off at the base of the neck; known as a basilar skull fracture, or otherwise known as a hangman’s noose fracture.

  • Driver and passenger (or instructor) must be afforded the same level of protection … that is, driver cannot wear a 6-point belt and passenger or instructor only has a 3-point belt.


  • Shirts with sleeves and long pants are strongly recommended.
  • Clothing should be comfortable without restricting movement.
  • Natural fibers such as cotton, denim, and wool are preferred because they do not melt (when you brush against something hot, or in the event of a fire).
  • Smooth, rubber-soled shoes are recommended. A thinner sole is preferred as this will enhance pedal feedback and feel. Leather-soled shoes are not recommended. Open-toed shoes are not permitted.
  • EVENTS GO RAIN OR SHINE … please be prepared.